Pregnancy Tests

One Step Pregnancy Test



The One Step pregnancy test is over 99% accuracy from the day of expected period.

How it works.

One Step Pregnancy Test detects hCG (pregnancy hormone) in urine. One Step is qualitative and only detects the hormone hCG.

Can detect hCG as early as 4 days before the missed period (accuracy increases as expected period dates approaches).

How to take test.

Hold absorbent tip in your urine stream for 5 seconds. Then lay test on flat surface to process for 2 minutes



Control line: A control line will be present in all One Step Pregnancy Tests. This indicates the test is working and was used in the correct manner. The control line will appear as a vertical dark blue line in the control box.

  • Positive Result: Control line is present as well as a (+) symbol in the test circle.

  • Negative Result: Control line is present as well as a horizontal line/(-) symbol in the test circle.

Results may vary based on user and individual circumstances.